Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Salam! Sebenarnya aku dah lama nak kongsi benda ni dengan korang semua, tapi tak terbuat-buat. Haa. Alang-alang ah ada masa tu, nah aku bagi. Have fun reading ok! Kalau nak link cerita ni, ada dekat bawah sekali.Smile


Read this and let it really sink in...then choose how to start your day tomorrow...

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a
good mood and always has something positive to say. When
someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad
day, Michael was there telling the employee how to look on the
positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to
Michael and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive
person all of the time. How do you do it?"
Michael replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself,
'Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a
good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to
be in a good mood.

"Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim
or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.
"Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to
accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of
life. I choose the positive side of life."
"Yeah, right, it isn't that easy," I protested.
"Yes, it is," Michael said. Life is all about choices. When you
cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose
how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect
your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. "The
bottom line is: It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Michael said. Soon thereafter, I left the tower industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that Michael was involved in a
serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications
tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care,
Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his

I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked
him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins.
Wanna see my scars?"
I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone
through his mind as the accident took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-be-
born daughter," Michael replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.
Michael continued, "The paramedics were great.They kept
telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me
into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors
and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse
shouting questions at me," said Michael. "She asked if I was
allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses
stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep
breath and yelled, 'Gravity.' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead'."

Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.

(copied from => http://www.boardofwisdom.com/default.asp?start=21&topic=1005&listname=Inspirational)

Haa. Renung-renungkanlah kawan-kawan. Bila rasa dilema, atau pening kepala. Buang semua bullshit yang ada. And at the end, it’s just a matter or choosing between two choices. Sama-sama kita renungkan ok!


And some last words,


"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal”

Lets achieve our dreams together ok?Smile



Adiosss. Smile

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jogathon ke walkathon?

Salam! Hoho. Sudah sekian lama aku tidak menulis. Bukan sukahati tak mahu tulis, tapi tak ada masa. Jadi tolong faham ok? Open-mouthed smile Haihh. Kini minggu ketiga sudah habis. Esok hari mulalah minggu keempat dan mulalah segala lab bagai. Oh Tuhan! Harap-harap aku mampu melakukannya! Maklumlah, sem dua ini aku dengarnya susah.


Memang susah pun. Lagi-lagi fizik. Rasa seperti mahu bakar saja DKU tu rasanya. Tapi tak baik la pulak kan. Bagaimana aku nak membuat piknik di DKU pada lain hari? Jadi aku terpaksa batalkan niat.


Niat di hati ingin merapik mengenai benda lain. Tapi tiba-tiba aku teringat yang ada jogathon hari sabtu haritu. Dan yang aku happy lebih-lebih ni kerana aku tak lari! Hoho. Bukan malas ya, tapi aku menjadi photographer. Seronok hati aku tengok diorang berpeluh-peluh lari dan aku naek motor. HAHAHAHAHADevilevil laugh!hohoho



haaa. lari-lari!


haa. nampak disitu? mereka tidak lari. PEMALAS! hohoho


-nampaknya afiq berubah dari photographer ke ahli checkpoin. haha


-haiii. makan angin sahaja kah?Smile with tongue out



-dan johan larian kategori lelaki adalah aku!Open-mouthed smile

Baiklah aku tipu. Itu hadiah untuk kelas. Tak apa, janji aku pernah merasakan ambil hadiah! Ko pernah?


Tahniah kepada para pemenang kerana berjaya mendapat tempat di acara jogathon ini. anda hebat!Open-mouthed smile Termasuklah bendahari kelas aku iaitu Atieya yang menjadi johan wanita. Smile


Apa-apa pun, aku rasa sangat gembira akibat menjadi photographer ini. Cuma aku sedikit sedih. Kalaulah ada DSLR. Sudah tentu lagi mengancam kan? Haihh. RM1600. Aku ada RM10. Haaa. Tak jauh lagi. Hanya RM1590 sahaja!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Jati Diri


As Salam!

Haaa jangan terkejut kenapa aku tiba-tiba tulis pasal jati diri. Begini, ceramah jati diri ni memang dari first sem haritu dah ade dah. Tapi tu lah, dah nama pun tuan punya badan memang pemalas kan, ceramah jatidiri selama sem satu tu memang tak memberi kesan. Mana taknya, orang datang dengar ceramah, aku tengok movie kat belakang. Nampak kaitannya disitu?Ya, bagus.


Nak dijadikan cerita, hari ni pun ada jati diri. Kalau ikutkan mula-mula memang taknaaak sangat pergi. Almaklumlah. tidur di pagi hari sangat menggoda jiwa dan raga berbanding duduk di kerusi kayu dewan kuliah kan.menggerutu jubur dibuatnya. –__-“


Tapi entah macam mana, tita-tiba hati aku tergerak nak pergi hari ni punya jati diri. Konon tak nak dengar, dan cuma nak buat tutorial dan tidur. Aku sampai lambat ke DKU. Walaupun bangun awal, tapi aku pergi sarapan, burak ngan makcik kafe, abang dobi dan sama waktu dengannya.pengurusan masa saya sangat bagus, saya tau. Akhirnya setelah sejam ceramah bermula, aku pun sampai.


Ceramah tu pukul 830. Tapi, aku sampai pukul 930. Tak apa kataku, aku bukan mahu mendengar pun bukan? Jadi aku pun duduk di DKU yang sangat kosong itu. Tabah betul lecturer ni. Walaupun yang datang cuma setengah dewan, ceramahnya tetap bertenaga. Syabas! Thumbs up


Ok. Mule2 aku buat muke sombong.(dah nampak ciri-ciri bodoh sombing disitu) Tak mahu dengat dan terus keluarkan tutorial. (konon-konon nak buat lah kan. Tapi tak buat pun) So aku dengar la sipi-sipi. Aku dengar apa yang puan ni cakap macam teruja pulak. Aku pun stop buat tutorial dan tumpukan perhatian.


Ya Allah, rupa-rupanya ceramah dia sangat bermakna! Walaupun dalam masa yang singkat ni, banyak benda yang dapat aku catit dan jadikan renungan. Sumpah aku tak sangka yang ceramah ni sangat berguna dan sungguh relevan. Tiba-tiba hati ini rasa menyesal tak dengar dari dulu! Aku janji lepas ni nak dengar lagi. Haha. Best! Menang bermakna.


Aku dah lama tahu yang sikap bodoh sombong itu suatu yang bodoh.-_-“ Tapi aku tetap mengamalkan dengan penuh setia. Ternyata aku pun bodoh sombong. Tapi tak apa, insyaAllah lepas ni tak mahu lagi jadi macam tu!Open-mouthed smile

Hmm, kat bawah ni ada sikit yang aku sempat salin dalam masa satu jam tu. Haa. Silalah baca.


1.Many want to be great but many are not ready to sacrifice for it.yours truly. memang dalammmmmmmmmm. takpe2, belajar dari kesilapan.


2.  Jagalah maruah anda dalam apa jua cara sekalipun.


3. You are the one who educates yourself. Not others.


4. Ask yourself what must be done to achieve what you want.


5. The most important thing is where are we headed. NOT where we stand.-matlamat itu penting.


6. You fail because of the obstacles that you create yourself  and because you fail to control your mind.eyes on the prize! ingat!


7. Hasil yang cemerlang berasal dari usaha yang cemerlang dan kecemerlangan berasal dari usaha yang melampaui batasan!kena usaha lagi! come on nabil! macam ni ke gaya seorang businessman berjaya?


8. Everything that you have is Allah’s property. Jadi, JANGAN TAMAK!. Kongsilah apa yang anda ada dengan semua orang. Nescaya akan dibalas berlipat kali ganda.


9. Duit yang kita dapat pun adalah hak Allah. Jadi, cara kita menggunakan duit itu adalah amanah.


10. Bersedekahlah, bayarlah zakat harta anda. Tak salah kalau derma 10% dari pendapatan anda.


11. Feel the need to excel!


12. You ARE what you believe you are.


13. Jangan kutuk diri. Sebaliknya belajar dari kesilapan itu.


14. Ingatlah Allah ketika senang dan Allah akan ingat kita ketika susah. Itu adalah janji Allah S.W.T-ini fakta. bukan auta-


15. Tangani stres anda!:


     -minum banyak air kosong

     -bertanggungjawablah atas diri anda

    -istighfar banyak-banyak-astaghfirullahal’azim!


16. Laksanakanlah tanggungjawab anda.


17. Think positively and know your limits.


18. Orang yang kalah adalah orang yang sukar menyiapkan apa yang sudah dimulakan. They look busy but they achieve little. -terasa-


19. Jiwa jangan jiwang!ops. terkena batang hidung.-_-“


20. JANGAN BODOH SOMBONG hahaha. baru je cakap.


21. If you feel down. Motivate yourself. Great achievers are the ones who motivate themselves. They don’t depend on other people.


22. Be your own motivator. Don’t wait for someone to cheer you or urge you. You are the one in charge of your body and soul. So you are the one that must give yourself a pep talk.


23. Why do people fail:

     -low self motivation

     -They don’t complete their tasks

     -They don’t take everything seriously

     -They give up easily


Haaaa. Nampak betapa banyak pesanan yang berguna? Ini baru satu jam. Belum dua jam. Belum yang dari awal semester lagi. Kalau anda rasa diri anda kurang berjaya macam aku, eloklah kalau kita sama-sama mengamalkan nasihat-nasihat di atas. Tak salah kalau diamalkan. Bukannya dia suruh kite sembah syaitan. Haa. Nampak kaitannya? Bagus.


Aku akhiri perutusan kali ni dengan satu quote yang aku jumpa di website favorite aku.


“A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't”



Apa-pun, hidup mesti ada rock Smile See yah. Salam!



Thursday, December 2, 2010

-a little distraction-


salam!Open-mouthed smile

Haih, ape la yg masuk kt dlm otak aku tadi. Tetiba rase lonely sangat. N tetiba rase naaaak sangat ade awek. Haha. gile kan?

Bukan ape, kadang2 tengok kawan2 ade partner, seronooott. Haha.


Almaklumlah, kite sekolah laki, bile nampak perempuan punyelah ramai, ngan couple2 lagi, kite pun jadi jakun. HAHAHAHA.

So pape pun, bile aku nga lepak sorang2 kat bilik td tetiba rase lonely sangat. Haih, n biledah lonely ni mulela pikir macam2 kan,

boleh GILE wehh.-______-“


So pape pun, aku pun taktau nak buat ape sebab cam stress kan.

Die bukan stress betul, tapi cam ala2 la kate orang. hahahaha. ko paham lah sendiri kaaaan.


So dah cam bosan sangat, aku pun cerita kat member aku pasal prob aku nihh. Borak punye borak, die cakap. “Eh ko taktau ke kat luar tu banyak lagi perempuan?sampai laki pun dah taktau nak pilih mane satu.” camtu lah die punye sedutan sikit2. hahahaha


N lagi satu, “eh ni baru stat sem dua ni! JANGAN HANYUT!”


hahh kau. Terkesima aku bile aku bace the words, JANGAN HANYUT. Btul la. Matlamat aku datang UM ni untuk blajar, bukan nak carik awek balak dan sebagainye, hahaha. Ops, carik balak tu memang tak la kan. –_______-“


And zasssss aku teringat azam aku. Aku nak atleast dapat CGPA above 3.6 untuk dapat scholar jpa tu. Bile fikir balik, tak guna aku dok fikir2 pasal bnde ni. Bukan ade calon pun kan. Haha. So baiklah aku blajar pandai2. Dah kaye, ade phd bagai, umah besar, keta besar, muke cam acappan pun laku kaaan. HAHA. Takdela nak cakap aku ni muke cam acappan ke ape.-__________-“


Besides, i have the whole world in front of me. I have to work hard to experience all of that. Smile I have dreams. BIG dreams. n impian tu takkan tercapai kalau aku dok emo sorang2 dalam bilik kan?Open-mouthed smile


n lagi satu, kalau aku bosan, lonely, kawan kan ramai, i can talk to any of my friends. Aku je yg gediks tanak cerita. Simply, aku tak cukup menghargai kawan2 aku. Maaf guys. InsyaAllah aku cuba hargai setiap persahabatan yang aku ada. Smile Kalau aku lupa, tolong remind aku eh.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Salam! Kabare? Open-mouthed smile

Well, harini ingat nak tulis manglish lah. Asyik tulis english bosan pulakk(matilaa kalo my english teachers bace. Haha)


Haihh. Skang dah sem dua dah. Kejap je. Tau2 je dah masuk fakulti pastu grad pastu kerja pastu kawin pastu tua. Ops. termelalut.-______-“


Ok2. Act nak cerita pasal sem dua ni. hee. Skarang da masuk second week dahh. Bahangnye dah terasa! Kalau first week aritu asyik bantai tengok movie kan (haha. takpe. saye tak takut kantoi. parents saye tak bace belog ini. Smile with tongue out)


Punyela beriye tengok sampai tak tido pun ade. Haha. Konon2 sebab nanti dah start jadual penuh takde mase la, pe la. memang pun. hehe


Arini dah ari rabu dah. Tutorial sume dah dapat. mantaaaaaaapppp. Math3 n kimia je dah dua tutorial masing2. Haha. Ngengs. Fizik pulak baru dapat tadi.


haaaaaaa. Cakap pasal fizik……….yaAllah, tak paham langsung fizik4. Blak gile. Dulu fizik garu2 ketiak je dah boleh jawab. Skarang, kau garula ketiak sape pun. haraaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm. Kadang2 tu rase nak buat gini je


hahahahahaha. Stylee kaaaaaan? Sori jakun sikit sebab baru jumpe. heheh Smile with tongue out


Skarang nga selsema ni. Tadi baru balik frem klinik bawah blok ni. First time pergi. Cambest je. Aku siap dapat mintak panadol lebih lg kat doktor tu. hahahaha. Jimaaaaaaat. Ye laaa. Ko ingat mak abah aku cop duit???haha. Baek doc tu. comel pulak tu. alahaiiiiiiiiii. Embarrassed smile Open-mouthed smile


Aduh pening+ngantuk. Ubat sudah mula masuk bloodstream. Heartbeat smakin slow, mate makin berat. So nak buat apa? Kita tido. Adioooossssss Winking smile


Salam!Open-mouthed smile

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Casa De Sole, a dream.. :)


Hey buddies! How are you guys? I hope you are in the pink of health, I know I do. Smile  Firstly, sorry for being SO silent for SOOO long. Ha-ha. I’m just not in the mood to write. Type. Whatever.


So I’ve been reading this book lately, its a very amazing book and literally just opened my mind. There’s tons of info in that book and if you want to check it out, send a PM to me at my facebook wall and I’ll tell you about it ok. Open-mouthed smile


So, there’s a chapter in this book about you dreams. NOT the type you get when you sleep but rather what you want to be, etcetera2, blah2. Well, this book said instead of thinking of my dream, why not think from my dream. Get it?


Here’s an example. Instead of thinking about my dream house, I’m thinking from my dream house. Getting out of bed, into the family space, the condition, imagining every detail as if the dream is actually reality. How the light enters your house, and such.


Imagine the grandeur, the immenseness of your house. Feel its calm and warming aura that is of your home. Starting to make sense now?Smile By imagining this, i felt an aura, an urge that makes me want to push more and work harder to achieve it.


So, here goes. My dream house, Casa De Sole-House of sunlight.


Sitting on the top of a hill, overlooking the city is a house. My house. Its surrounded by lush forest around it. The wrought iron gate of the estate is an extremely intricate piece of work, yet it seems so warm and homecoming. Not a event a hint of coldness.


Past the gates, there’s a circular drive leading to the main building of the estate. In its centre is a fountain worthy of Michelangelo himself. And in front of the double doors of the main building, waiting for you to arrive is me. Open-mouthed smile


You can see why my house is called House of Sunlight. The large frameless windows stretching from the ceiling to the floor allows tons of natural light to come in, eliminating the need to turn on the lights during daytime.


Inside, its so bright and radiant. The household seems to absorb the light and radiate it back with greater vigour. Simply filling the house with warmth. The large and spacious living room literally spells comfort.


Off to the far right is the dining area. A large teakwood dining table surrounded with simple yet elegant chairs. Just enough space for the family and a few friends. Smile



Near the back of my house is the study. Behind the double sliding-oakwood door is my study. Past the sliding doors, you are greeted with a single pane of glass that stretches across the room. Allowing sunlight to enter without effort.


The walls are dominated with bookshelves stacked full with books of numerous kind. At the far right is a large table made of jati wood. My work desk. I Would call important people and making important decision from that desk. Open-mouthed smile. Across the room are a few sofas to lounge on. Again coloured with shades of wood. Smile


Off to the far right is the door leading to the powerhouse of the, err house. Winking smile Upstairs, well lets just keep it inside my head ok. Winking smile 


Well, there you go. My dream house. What’s yours?Smile


check this out. Its aram khachaturian’s piece. Lezghinka performed by Russian National Orchestra. Smile

Tuesday, November 2, 2010




How are you peeps doing?Good I hope.Open-mouthed smile Well, at the time of this post’s writing, I’m having 1 more paper to take. Err, maybe more than one. But who’s counting?Winking smile It’s been a while and I’ve really wanted to write a post earlier in the finals. But with the tight schedule and equally hard papers*sigh* I just don’t have the time. How bout now?well, tomorrow is physics paper. So I think you guys can guess why I’m out blogging and not physics”ing”. Open-mouthed smile


‘Nuff said, let’s not get side tracked with physics and continue with this post shall we? Well, about the title. Well, I’m really wanting something now. Wanting to punch you in the face!Haha. Fine. Lame joke.-______________________-“ Wanting to sit in a car, windows down, radio on full blast zipping along the country road. Yes. I Want To Drive. Real badly I suppose. It’s like being a drug addict and not getting your cocaine. Yes, I’m Not Exaggerating. I really miss my father’s wira. The roar of its exhaust. Enough to make me feel I’m driving a Lambo. Smile


This is what happens when you’re 18, don’t have money, don’t have a car but your hobby is driving. Haha. Hell, t’s not a hobby, it’s friggin therapy for me!Yes, I admit. I AM A DRIVAHOLIC. Open-mouthed smile I really love to drive. But mind you, really loathe driving with my parents. Haha. No offense abah n umi! Smile with tongue out When they are in the car, I’m glad to let go of the steering wheel and sit on the back seat. Haha. And I assume you teens know why. Winking smile


*sigh. I really need to go drive. Its either that or eating. Haha. cowboy western. Yummeh! Open-mouthed smile But alas, I’m really controlling my money flow with the holidays coming up. Haha. Wouldn't want to be broke during the holidays do we? What with the plans to go driving along the countryside and whatever. Yes, I’m rally controlling my tummy for the sake of a long drive. Haha. Sorry, can’t help it. Smile with tongue out


Well, I’m planning to go out with Atiqa, Ezy n Aliff this friday. And am seroiusly considering to rent a car. Yay!Open-mouthed smile Well, I’m offering myself to be the driver. What else would you expect?Open-mouthed smile



here’s a picture of me with my new Mohawk hairstyle. Nice eh?Winking smile